Papa made bread and we ate it all. .
Here’s the recipe:
Simple white loaf
500g plain flour or substitute with 1/4 whole meal / brown flour
40g butter (room temp)
12g dried yeast
4 pinches of salt
300ml (ish) warm water
Splash of oil (olive or sunflower)
Using your hands, mix flour and butter together, add yeast then salt.
Start adding water, mixing with your hands. Don’t put all in at once – keep adding until you’ve got a good dough texture – not sticky.
Smear the oil over a work surface and start kneading the dough. Bring in edges then press down. Do this a few times (5 minutes -ish)
Put dough back into the mixing bowl and cover with a damp tea towel. Leave to sit and let the yeast do its thing. Maybe an hour will let it double in size.
Bring dough out onto oiled surface again and knead a bit to get the air out.
Put into a greased tin lined with baking paper. Cover again and leave for an hour or so to grow again – it should double in size.
Put your oven on to preheat – 220C/ 425F gas 7 – and place a baking tray or tin in the bottom to heat.
Once risen, lightly flour the top and slice into the top of the loaf – lines or diamonds.
Put the loaf in the middle of the oven on a baking tray.. Pour cold water into the tray at the bottom – this will create steam and help the crust get crispy and shiny.
Bake for about 30 minutes.
When you take it out, to check it’s cooked, tap the underneath of the tin – it should sound hollow.
Turn it out onto a wire rack and leave to cool. Delicious!